Announcement : Poetry & Picture Exhibition in Berlin

今年2003年8月に、ベルリンのGallery Bellevueで、画家の田島和子さんの絵と木島始の詩による展覧会を、開くことになっています。





Throughout many years of activity in the world of literature in Japan, KIJIMA Hajime has been known as a poet who sings out with anger against war and injustices in society, with love for humanity caught in contradiction, and in awe regarding theraw powerof nature and themystery hidden deep within it.From my first encounter with Kijima's poetry, I havefelt increasingly in tune with hispoetic world. I, too, have produced my works with an eye to human existence and the give-and-take between nature and humanity.

It is with both joy and gratitude that I look forward to the poetry & painting exhibition at Gallery Bellevue in Berlin in August.The poetry and painting of we twosharing thesame space for the first time through this -we hope to experience the opening up of a view to a new world.What inspiration may be experienced bythose who visit this space- this is of great interest to us.

                               Kazuko Tajima

ドイツ語訳・藤田潔静  英語訳・アーサー・ビナード

カリグラフィー・角田道子  この様式の発表は、この「部屋」のみ。
